My Story: “Eyewitness” 

The Lord said, “Warn and comfort the people.”  In that spirit, I share my story as an eyewitness cancer and disability survivor.  I pray that you find His comfort, perspective, answers and way forward in peace as I have.  
The things, both in true story and bullet-point format, that you will find as you explore this site will fall into one of those two categories.  Loving, protective, preventative warnings  … because we don’t have to agree on everything to love each and every person.  God’s comforting word or answer to me are included, along with my pathway forward to not just survive, but thrive. 

This is my comfort in my affliction: for thy word hath quickened me.”   

Psalms 119:50

Let thy merciful kindness be for my comfort, according to thy word unto thy servant.  Let thy tender mercies come unto me, that I may live.” 

Psalms 119: 76, 79b

Sometimes I feel like a canary in the coal mine.  You know … the one that went before the miners’ seeking treasure underground to warn them of upcoming danger.  Since the tiny bird was frail, it would become sick before they.  It was their warning of, and salvation from unsafe conditions if they heeded the signs.   My story reflects that.  I will share it briefly here and on the WORDs page.

Two years out from a late-stage IIIB colorectal cancer diagnosis and surgery, there is no evidence of cancer on testing, have lost thirty pounds without trying, jog daily for twenty minutes, and recently jogged three and a half miles with my triathlete daughter and daughter-in-law.  Told by doctors I was not a good candidate for chemotherapy, radiation or immunotherapy – the only other treatment I was a good candidate for was by God-given mostly natural means as detailed on this website. 

Inspired by the One-Year-Bible’s Genesis creation and Daniel-fasted-living true stories of God’s optimal healing and preventative Maker’s Manual, I was aided by my trusted physicians.  I was also inspired by the books “Chris Beat Cancer,” (by 15-year survivor Chris Wark, “The Invisible Rainbow” (by Arthur Firstenberg), and the use of spirulina, etc. to help heal radiation injury in “EMF*D” (by Joseph Mercola, DO).  I am thankful for reading their research and insights, and hope that you will order these books before proceeding further to absorb their key underlying facts and rationale.  This time in history is a seminal moment in which we may all benefit from the science they have shared.  It is not stressing a point to say that I believe this knowledge is necessary for the future – to keep ourselves and our families alive, healthy and free in spirit in this present environment.

Please note that I am not a big fan of self-denial, as putting a NO on something makes me want it more!  I am a fan, however, of a simpler, safer way to eat, live healthy, play and raise a family.  This positive approach comes with the strong motivation of staying alive to help my family and other people.  The books listed above, along with other natural and medical protocols I mined on the journey of chronic illness, with the guidance of my trusted physicians and research resources were a gift from God.   On this site/blog, I have endeavored to list recommended things in each category that were the most effective for me, most economical and that I liked.  Included are lifestyle activities, toxin minimization/avoidance, and divine connection.  I asked God for a simple plan that would work for me to boost immunity and lower inflammation with limited energy used to maintain my independence while living alone.  My next step was to get rid of all the harmful foods, minimizing things I could no longer have and live while focusing on what I could have, in abundance. A couple of neutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals and complementary therapies were also helpful for me.  I have listed those as well. 

I believe in a positive, truth-based approach to staying well and leaving the rest in God’s hands.  “Having done all … stand.” It incorporates a natural cost-effective “food and nature as medicine” preventive strategy using Garden-of-Eden type of lifestyles.  Back to more natural ways was key for me.  Do your own research, ask His guidance, talk to your health and other professionals and trust Him for the rest.  Do what you can and leave the rest to Him, and you just might find, as I did, that you will step into activation of your life’s purpose along the way.  The contents of this site have been the practical path forward for me in the midst of the darkness of personal health and societal chaos.  Through it, I have given Him my fears, to come into the beauty of dwelling in a real sense of His Presence, His peace, His joy and life.  God is the BEST person to have on your healing team. 

“MySTORY” is a brief look at that journey, and the pattern that emerged through decades of a medical mystery in my life.  At some point, I hope to have a podcast, memoir, disability life coaching/consulting and other resources for a donation to this ministry.   In the meantime, “It WORKSforME” shares the personal protocols I used – to skim through and see if anything resonates for you.  They are in notational form.  “ReSOURCES” is a listing of links helpful to me, and others in crisis for general information. “WORDs” are additional dated blog/diary-style highlights of parts of my story through scriptures, messages, words, insights, devotionals, and Joel 2:28-29 dreams God has given to protectively warn, direct and comfort me along the way.  Some words are strong in protective love as directed against choices (not persons) that His Word tells us will cause self or other-harm.  I prayerfully and thankfully share the holistic perspectives of health, spiritual and other guidance He has given me in hopes He may bless each of you in your own walk as you read and reflect.  Pray about anything that strikes a chord, consult with professionals, and ask His wisdom and direction.  HE IS OUR SOLUTION and the way forward in hope. 

I am glad to boast about my weaknesses so that the power of Christ may work through me.”

2 Corinthians 12:9

I have come to the conclusion that life is not a maze with all of its dead ends, unless we wish it to be.  Instead, it can be a labyrinth with the right heart posture, where as long as you keep going you come out on the other side.  Right heart posture comes with divine assistance and relationship with the One who made us. We are His creation, and He loves us immensely.

In that frame of heart, I would like to bear eyewitness to parts of His Story in my life.  I am first of all His Child.  After that, I have been a daughter of wonderful parents, sister to my hero brothers, mother to my beloved children, mother-in-love to my children’s life mates, lay minister, clergy widow, gramma nana to four beloved grands, artist, singer, attorney/mediator disability activist, and BLESSED with a loving life in the midst of adversity that He has been mostly the center of since a child.

In the midst of that blessed life journey, there has been indescribable joy, as well as searing heartache from the major losses and stereotypes of ableism that accompany visible and emerging hidden disabilities.  As now, sociological sequelae of choices made in the Forest Gump/Jesus Revolution years, combined with another major cultural shift in the 1990’s, birthed great pain and suffering.  Many of us are familiar, in a broken world, with those parts of the tapestry.  My personal disabilities included congenital optic nerve hypoplasia at birth, partial blindness, lack of depth perception and amblyopia/strabismus.  Later diagnoses, as a young mother to teens, of the emerging “hidden” disabilities of CFIDS/ME, MCS/ES, FMS, chronic migraines, and tertiary neuroborreliosis following the installation of a cell tower near my home added to the losses.  But also, upon reflection, brought His protection, wisdom, great gain of heart, and true vision of my life’s call.  God has helped me to mine the treasures of darkness.  Scripture says, “For the trial of your faith is more precious than gold.”  BUT GOD …

In late September 26, 2019 (the day 5G was turned on in Wuhan, China), my doctor attended the first EMF Medical Conference, in Scotts Valley, CA to find out more about the ES (electrical sensitivity) part of my MCS diagnosis (multiple chemical sensitivity).  (See and for conference recordings.)  He came back with a book he gifted to me – “The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life” by disabled EMF scientist and activist Arthur Firstenberg.  My MD told me that basically one of the reasons I was feeling so bad was that the wireless radiation was smothering me at a cellular level, in the mitochondria.  

Reading through the meticulously footnoted research, I almost wept as I saw in its’ pages most of the mystery of my adult journey, with hidden disability overlaying congenital visible disability.  My lay reading of the text, combined with personal medical history and research, showed the immune suppression was causing the chronic dormant lyme, EBV and CMV reactivation, flu-like severe fatigue, and the immune dysfunction reflected in low natural killer cells, and abnormal T-lymphocytes on testing. The inflammation and breaching by microwaves of the blood-brain-barrier were causing the brain fog, information processing, neurally-mediated hypotension and other neurological challenges, as well as autoimmunity.  Sleep-cycle interruptions, headaches, and auditory nerve tinnitus (Frey Effect) could be turned on and off with the airborne microwave signal, or Faraday shielding.  The calcium efflux was causing muscle spasms/rigidity and cramping, gait abnormalities and racing heart.  Dehydration (happens to meat when microwaved), heating (“fevers” that would appear/disappear suddenly), histamine release, sore throat/sinusitis (as magnetite in those mucosal areas attracted signals and damage first), low-level Rouleaux-formation causing vascular clotting in the iron-containing heme of the blood (the magnetic part of EMF technology), eye inflammation and autoimmunity were adverse biological effects.   Reduced ability of the cells through P-450 porphyrin enzymes to get rid of toxins had caused my sudden onset of life-threatening adverse reactions to anesthesia, and milder adverse reactions to most medications.  The fight-or-flight mode was also triggered by the body’s primitive survival warning of the non-natural EMF microwave radiation toxin.  I also observed the children and the animals were even more sensitive to the adverse effects of the radiation than I due to size, penetrating into a third of their brain.  I have since seen predictable behavioral changes in both through the presence of EMF radiation effects on the brain, and neural death at sustained exposure ranges above the .1 MHz that the Russian scientists warned about.  Most of these almost immediately reversed when removed from the environmental insult, and flooding the cells with antioxidants, combined with grounding of the excess electrical charge that accompanies pulsed electromagnetic frequency (EMF). 
I have also seen unending cycles of “viral” sickness including headaches, fatigue, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonias, red eyes, blotched skin in the littles; corneal ulcers, tumors, cancer and behavioral changes in pets; and the flight and deaths of the bees from high EMF areas.  

The M.D. told me that instead of 10% of the people being sick like this, once the proliferation of 5G non-natural wireless EMF radiation in the ionosphere and on the earth was rolled-out in 2020, 50% of the population would become sick.  But most doctors and victims would not know why – it would be an increase in cancers, heart, neurological and other diseases with the reason a mystery. I researched and saw, in mid-February, 2020, that worldwide viral “hot spots” coincided with dates and locations of 5-G roll-out shown on the wireless companies’ own coverage maps, including Wuhan, China. 

With that backdrop, months later I received an October 2020 diagnosis of cancer, with no family history prior to my mother’s uterine cancer after installation of wi-fi under her desk at the end of her bed.   My cancer followed unknowing residence, once again, across from aesthetically-hidden multiple wireless radiation antennas where we had moved.  No warning either time – from the people we trust not to harm us – people who make an enormous profit from not warning us.  A stealth enemy for sure.  But God is pulling the curtain back on the obscenity of harm happening from the greed and malignant ideology of many in Big Tech.  It reminds me of Big Tobacco – when good scientists would come out with a non-conflicted study affirming truth, corporate sponsorship of a conflict-of-interest study would follow.  Thus, they could say, “The science is unsettled.”  The truth is, the non-industry manufactured science was clear, and is clear now.  See, for a start, US Naval Research Institute, US Air Force, and NASA studies posted at,,,, and  See also“Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G,” and  “Electrosmog and Autoimmune Disease.”

When my radiation oncologist told me – after I bled the day before our appointment after sitting at my computer- the wireless EMF radiation had caused my cancer, and I would hemorrhage if he gave me the “therapeutic” dose, truth coalesced into sharp focus.   When around a high EMF radiation area now, I experience sharp knife-like abdominal pain in addition to the brain fog and other symptoms.  It stops with remediation.  Each and every time, objectively using an EMF meter, I am able to link cause and effect to those symptoms in order to avoid body insult.  Upon researching the health effects of technology I had embraced, I found connections to every symptom I had experienced since a young mother in the early 1990’s with use of wireless cell and DECT phones, and living down the street from a cell tower I thought was wonderful because Big Tech paid the church to keep it there, I could not imagine they would put up anything harmful.  When, post-cancer surgery, a Geek Squad technician at Best Buy told me upon seeing my EMF meter that they had been told if they didn’t limit their exposures, there would come another epidemic that would look like the pandemic, but would be from the EMF radiation.  This is a time I think we should go “back to the future” – back to more wired ethernet and/or possibly fiber optic use – back to simpler in every way, not just cancer prevention, in order to be restored.  Simply put in the plug to protect your family.  Research the dangers and the key preventive solutions.  Included on this site are my research & remediation steps under “Environmental.”.  I promised the Lord I would speak out to give A VOICE to the voiceless in these times – to protect from hidden dangers we often welcome as convenient saviors.  There are simple, inexpensive solutions.  BUT GOD …  

Of note, this protocol has been a great path forward for me.  I believe, in total, it has kept me almost totally well during this time of worldwide chaos.  Along with prophylactic vitamins and a weekly dose of ivermectin for cancer, except for a mild home-treated pandemic case when I got off the protocol slightly for a couple of weeks.  Though using the N-95 in early days, I could not use masks or “vaccines” under medical advisement after the onset of cancer, so it is a notable outcome considering that I had no mask during the week of 2020 hospitalization, nor when around COVID-19 symptomatic people at various times after that.  I am thankful for God’s blessing, and helping me see a divine way through this dark time with comfort and hope.

IN SPITE OF the major obstacles along the way, God has brought much of the mystery and many life answers full circle during this time.  The purpose comes in walking through the labryinth by His Grace to the other side, to share the warnings and comfort revealed to me personally in that journey with you today.  BUT GOD …

In an earlier season, God spoke to me while walking on the beach following a marital abandonment loss that too often accompanies disability.  My calling became God sending me outside the four walls of the church and into a world John Wesley once called his parish … specifically to persons who were disabled and unwanted.  I was to pick up broken beautiful shells on the beach instead of the whole ones, and arrange them where broken parts of each were covered up by the whole part of the next.  This symbolized the broken shells of disabled and sometimes rejected lives, often called ‘the other,’ who yet were most precious to God.  As a child of the loving Heavenly Father, I choose to live in that wholeness and forgiveness, believing we are each in a battle of good versus evil, not against people tricked by the enemy like Adam and Eve in God’s Garden before the Fall.  We each will be forgiven by God in the measure that we forgive.  What is meant for evil, God will work for the good for those called according to His purpose… a pattern for His call to life ministry for each of us.   BUT GOD …

From that time, He led me through a top-tier law school against all odds with major disability reasonable accommodations, focusing on the intersection of disability, family law and mediation (peacemaking).  An intern with Princess Diana’s group, Landmine Survivors’ Network, I was accommodated to help with Daily Summaries for the United Nations Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities for four weeks during the treaty formation process.  Then God sent a beloved husband who was an ordained minister and counselor for persons with disabilities.  I was blessed to have major assistance from Vocational Rehabilitation, my mother, husband and children to begin my own start-up very part-time virtual law office.  I was also honored to help with criminal court mediation, life coaching/consulting for disabled persons, inspirational speaking to Mayors’ Committees on Persons with Disabilities, and receive a Difference Makers Award for a lifetime of community service.  BUT GOD …

When my husband was taken from us suddenly through 2009 H1N1 epidemic, ARDS and sepsis in ICU in a manner much like that we are seeing today – I was led to eat a plant-based alkaline diet similar to the cancer one during his illness that I believe kept me from succumbing as well.  God brought us through years of deep sorrow, grief and loss, much as people are going through today – but revived and kept me with His presence and the Word, and focused me on what I could do – the next right thing – instead of what I couldn’t.  BUT GOD …

My beloved mother … my lifelong “Teacher” passed away five years later of uterine cancer after wi-fi was installed, before we knew of the danger. 

Many people do not have such gifts of such love as I have received in their life experiences.  I thank Him.  There is a great reward for those who loved Him such as they, and ran their race to completion.  Their and my beloved children and in-law’s support, grandchildren’s smiles and hugs, as well as my brothers and their families’ encouragement have made it possible for me to share this story with you.  Who would have thought we would live to see the world I was called to minister to in 1998 all potentially become disabled and unwanted by a worldwide eugenics/environmental population control plot?  Who would have thought the emerging mystery illnesses of that time from the year of the first 2G wireless electronics rollout would be connected to the dark side of an emerging technology designed to control through surveillance.   BUT GOD …

This is a time for an Ironman marathon-level gift of endurance, especially in these chaotic times.  God will send someone along to help encourage us along the journey.  I am reminded of the Andrae Crouch song, “Through It All.”  “If I’d never had a problem, I wouldn’t know that God could solve them.  I’d never know what faith in Christ could do.”   Having done all, stand in His grace alone.  I am convinced that even perseverance is a gift of God.

If we give life challenges to Him, we WILL see the works of God manifest, sometimes in the most unexpected ways.  He is always faithful.   I am reminded of this scripture.

“…and as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth.  And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?  Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.”

John 9:1-3


I would challenge you to remember today … God is not through writing YOUR story …  He IS in the details …  And He loves to work against incredible odds.  In fact, He receives the glory then, because with man these things are impossible, BUT WITH GOD … the mission He has chosen you for is MISSION POSSIBLE.

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